Love Cambridge Art
The LCA team are looking for artists from across Cambridgeshire, regardless of their medium or career stage, to donate a piece of work that they feel sums up their practice and vision most accurately. We are hoping to become a platform for artists who would perhaps struggle to have their work exhibited in one of the more established or commercial galleries in Cambridge; to help them market themselves and earn some much deserved attention.
The submitted pieces will be put up for “adoption” by the Art Salon, and can be adopted by members of the public who, in return, will receive an e-print of the piece, information about the artist, and a ticket to an exclusive Love Cambridge Art Ball at the Art Salon in June.This Ball will be the opening of an exhibition, and a celebration, of art from across Cambridge and across disciplines. As well as having their work adopted online, each artist will not only have the opportunity to exhibit the original at the ball, but the artist who obtains the most donors will be offered a solo exhibition at the Salon in 2013, as well as mentoring and coaching sessions from some of the Salon’s most successful artistic partners.
All of the proceeds raised from the adoptions will go towards the salon to help promote equal access to art in the city by providing free community art classes and workshops, studio bursaries, better facilities and promotion of art to the public.
Please email, and go to the website for more information
The Love Cambridge Art Ball is curated by Rachael Gittins.